わかりやすい英語の順で言うと、BBCとNew York Times、それに科学や技術系の雑誌がいちばんわかりやすくて、エコノミスト誌とかPolitico、Timesとかは難しい。

Physically tangible things in the real world
tangible 触れる、触知できる、理解できる

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He has gained notoriety for his libertarian positions on many political issues
notoriety 悪評、悪名、評判

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White House to release revamped Obama health plan
revamp 改良する

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Malaysia to extradite foreign terror suspects
extradite 犯罪者を送還する、引き渡す

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an undiplomatic obduracy at the climate-change negotiations in Copenhagen
obduracy 頑固さ、強情さ

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China’s big cities are hardly roiled by political turmoil
roil 撹拌されて濁る、かき乱される、混乱させる
turmoil 騒動

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An unusually high-profile campaign against organised crime
high-profile 人目を引く、話題の

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how do we embark on Western-style democracy?
embark 着手する、乗り出す

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Despite boasting of their country’s resilience in the face of the global economic crisis
boast of 自慢する
resilience 弾力性、回復力

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ever-louder grumbles of foreign businessmen over the barriers they face in China
glumble 不平、不満、ごろごろ鳴る、不満を言う