Is the long-heralded solid oxide fuel cell from Bloom Energy as innovative as the company claims?
long-heralded 長く期待された
herald 王の使者、使者、予兆、先触れ

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They eschew expensive platinum catalysts by operating at high temperature,
eschew 悪いこと、もの、人などを、意図的に避ける、控える

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hey obtained more than they bargained for!
bargain for 安く手に入れようとする、当てにする、考慮に入れる

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the country is a cauldron of political attacks, sectarian divisions, and conspiracy theories
cauldron 大釜

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a forest of election posters sprouting on lampposts and traffic circles after miles of concrete blast barriers
sprout 芽キャベツ、もやし、発芽する
lamppost 街灯

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Can you explain your theory of time in layman’s terms?
layman 平信徒、素人、門外漢

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Hawaii Tsunamis Fell Short but Didn't "Fizzle," Expert Says
fizzle 弱く消えてしまうように、シューと音を出す、勢いがなくなる、失敗に終わる

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Two years later, after working jobs from construction to plumbing
plumbing 配管工事

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he was hell-bent on revenge
be hell-bent on 〜に没頭している

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when you're an active-duty soldier contemplating treason, some level of paranoia is probably sensible.
contemplate 熟考する、沈思黙考する
treason 背信、国家への反逆

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He's a libertarian, staunch constitutionalist, and devout Christian.
staunch 忠実な、断固たる
devout 敬虔な、信心深い