the president and vice president expound this fact as a fact that they are actually successful in war
expound 理論を詳しく説く、経典を解釈する

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their knee-jerk opposition to anything President Obama favors
knee-jerk 膝蓋腱反射 おきまりの反応をとること

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waterboarding of terrorism suspects and other harsh interrogation tactics
waterboarding 水責め
interrogation 取り調べ

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Brussels itself is being blamed for many years of passing the buck
pass the buck 責任転嫁する
buck お金、責任、雄ジカ the buck stop here.

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Brazen hardliners and ardent critics
brazon 真鍮製の、あつかましい、恥知らずな
ardent 熱心な

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censorship rules that weed out politically and culturally sensitive topics from search results
weed out 雑草を抜く