The name water bear comes from the way they walk, reminiscent of a bear's gait.
reminiscent of 思い出させる、よく似ている
gait 足取り

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Smuggling is the clandestine transportation of goods or persons past a point where prohibited
Smuggling 密輸
clandestine 秘密の、内密の

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Wrecked Roads and Bridges in Chile Hinder Rescue Effort
hinder 妨げになる、障害になる

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Chile extends curfew to quell looting after earthquake
curfew 夜間外出禁止令
quell 鎮める、押さえつける
looting 略奪

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Ford's sale surge no fluke: This automaker's on a roll
fluke まぐれ、偶然、思わぬ幸運
on a roll 幸運が続いている、勢いに乗っている

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Austin Sendek is petitioning the International System of Units to declare hella as the official designation of 10 to the 27th power, or, a trillion trillions.
official designation 正式呼称
petition 請願書、請願、裁判所への申し立て