handsome, functional with pastoral but up to date air
handsome 男前の、威厳のある(女性)、気前のよい、寛大な
pastoral 田園詩、のどかな、田舎の、牧歌的な

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auxiliary power units
auxiliary 補助装置、補助的な

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A series of setbacks for the coalition in Afghanistan
setbacks 副作用
setback 突然の妨げ、後退、挫折

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UN reprimands Latin America for decriminalizing drugs
reprimand for 〜を非難する
reprimand 叱責、非難、譴責、戒告

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committee will release a congressionally mandated study by the end of next month
mandate 委任、負託、権能、命令

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if CO2 emissions grow at the current trajectory
trajectory 軌道、曲線、軌跡

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That doesn't bode well for sea creatures like oysters
bode well for 縁起がいい、幸先がいい